Monday, March 28, 2011

10 Tanggungjawab bf terhadap gf..

Owh ada ke rules macam ni??Takpa,, meh kita adakan okeh?? Bf should:
1) Take a good care of his gf (for sure la kn??no pukul-pukul or break without any chance!)
2) Belanja setiap kali keluar dating
3) Bagi roses or chocolate or hadiah setiap kali keluar bersama (kalau hari-hari dating camna??)
4) Setiap bulan bagi duit belanja (karang kena cop mata duitan lak!!)
5) Call or SMS setiap hari without fail!(x lupa juga bayar bil telefon gf even bf yg sering call gf)
6) Tanya dah makan ke belum? Sihat ke tak??(if possible setiap hari la..)
7) Sentiasa memberi sokongan jika si gf dalam kesusahan atau kesedihan.
8) Bawa pergi bercuti di tempat-tempat menarik at least setahun sekali-bkn Genting saja ye(maksiat nih!!Sila elakkan~)
9) Sentiasa memuji gf (bukan mengampu or sebab nak minta apa-apa dari dia ye??)
10) Saling menegur untuk kebaikan bersama..

Kalau anda rasa, ada lagi penambahan bagi seorang bf untuk gf dia, bolehla share ye..Dah jika anda rasa anda di antara perkara di atas, tak masuk akal pedulikan ye..That's what my bf likes to do & he always says that's his responsibility. Kepada para suami sila tambah 1 lagi iaitu nafkah batin ye (bf no no no!) =D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Token of appreciation...

One of the assessment that we need to do for our EDU 630 paper is to carry out a project related to professional development. So, my group decided to do a MUET workshop for those who want to sit for MUET exams. Lots of works we had to do before and during the day but finally we managed to carry out the workshop successfully...Yeayyyy!!!!It happened last Saturday (190311), and I would say it was great though there were few things happened such as we involved in the accident +_+" 

Before the day..
I accompanied my friend to UPM as he wanted to find articles for his research. The day before, I went out with Shiro darling jalan-jalan around Melaka. Shopping and eating!! I didn't buy much but she did. Owh sangat cemburu you dapat beli banyak barang (kerana saya tidak banyak duit)...T__T. Sampai malam baru kami balik rumah! At home, we had some chit-chat (some ke??). Well, it's actually sampai pagi where I only slept for 1 hour. 

                                                  My favourite meal ever!

                             Syahirah darling mengidam sangat nak makan cake
                                  so we had them earlier before her birthday =)
During the day..
At 6.30am, I woke up untuk sembahyang Subuh and prepared for the event. I had to be early because I was in charged on food . Breakfast needed to be ready before 8.00am. Unfortunately, we had involved in the accident!! Car crashed!! Memang kelam kabut semua orang.Mungkin ini semua dugaan dari Allah. Luckily, our lecturer who would assess us on that day was there that morning. She saw the incident and she understand our situation. The event run smoothly and everybody was so happy. TQ to all who involved =)

                                        Though not all the participants came,
                                        there were still many of them come

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beautiful Pashmina

Sayang, this is awesome!!!! Thanks to Cik Syahirah yang cantik for this gift..I very much suka okies..~

Sangat sesuai digayakan pada 
kelas malam yang sangat sejuk!!!

Masa mula-mula dapat rasa macam sejadah pun ada hahaha (sorry syg) tapi bila pakai memang bestla..!! I'm lovin' it

Monday, March 7, 2011

So much Love...

I always think that my bf pampered me so much! With him, I could see life is full of colors and joys..Adala certain2 things yang I can't do but it's all for my good sake. Tapi manusia tak sempurna and it same goes to him. He is not perfect but it's enough for me. Selalu buat surprise and I'm impressed!!!

Dulu I used to see one of my friends yang selalu dapat sekuntum ros setiap kali keluar dating. Nampak best je..Romantik kot!! Tak sangka, it's my turn now..Bukan sekuntum, tapi berkuntum-kuntum dapat. Tengok, sampai background pun letak pic roses. To me memang agak membazir because bunga tu akan layu but the effort he has put in it makes me feel DISAYANGI..However, LWH always thinks that he is not a romantic person. Dia rasa diri dia tak cukup romantik. Ada lagi benda yang dia nak buat seperti bawa saya pergi Bangkok (because I like shopping), pergi Australia (because I really want to go to Australia) and to Paris (because Paris is a romantic place for a couple). Mungkin kalau ada jodoh kami, saya akan pergi ke tempat-tempat tersebut bersama dia. Insyaallah.

To me, setiap orang ada kualiti masing-masing. Jadi cuba lihat kebaikan yang ada pada pasangan anda bukan keburukan. Jika tiada, bermakna dia bukanlah orang yang terbaik buat anda. Jadilah orang yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan perkara yang terbaik juga ye~

Again roses from him;